
Reaching Out


09-30-2013, 06:02 PM

He had left the children sleeping in a fresh den he had dug for them outside of Amenti borders. He would need Medusa's help to move them to Ludicael if she were planning to seek asylum there for the time being but for the moment they were safe and he had only parted with them to meet Medusa who was likely homeward bound after the challenge. Stheno would follow at a slack pace a few meters behind him. The wolverine had helped Deteste move the children. Had appeared and acted though no words had exchanged between she or the man and he accepted the silence without curiosity or judgement.

Deteste could not help but to feel somewhat personally responsible for Amenti's disbandment. Had he been around to observe the progress of Medusa's pregnancy she would have most likely entrusted the pack in he and not Alena. He did not begrudge Alena for losing the challenge but he had a great amount of experience and believed he would not have defaulted in the challenge. Unlike the entirety of Amenti he had no bubbling rage in his gut. He did not know in the slightest what the conquerers had in mind for the territory but he did understand that men were not welcome in the new kingdom and that the entirety of Amenti members wished not to be part of it.

His body, moving like clockwork, would pull he and Stheno into the heart of Amenti territory and upon a muddled dispute. There was no object to the spiteful conversation that flowed between the party. It was merely a banter of insults. He would pull up silently beside Medusa, his maw grazing her own in an exchange of scents hoping she would register the smell of dirt and child as a sign that they had been moved without having to speak it, desiring not to disclose the slightest amount of information regarding their children around those whom claimed to be their enemies. He would analyze the situation quickly and carefully, taking count of those that spat insults at Medusa and measuring their strength. Especially considering the woman whom had taken the throne from Alena. He was unsure of Medusa's plans but if she so desired to claim Amenti again he would aid her claim.

He would eye Symphony curiously, recognizing her only by scent and by his interactions with Song, his stoic expression softening in the presence of a Ludicael member but showing no change as the heat around him rose. Upon catching Symphony's gaze, he would speak with an authoritative timbre, being a man well respected by the woman's superior. "Symphony," he began, having caught her name within the conversation, "this is not the place for you, friend. Please return home. A tight smile would minutely take the place of his clenched jowls to ensure the good will of his advice. He would then turn to those who spoke down to Medusa and speak. If you are truly a matriarchy you would do well to show Medusa respect. If you understand respect properly, you will know that like needs not accompany it. Medusa is a strong and capable woman and has proved herself many times over. Upon finishing his sentence he would turn to the woman and seek her next move.