
STARDUST (birth)


09-28-2013, 04:29 AM
The scent of her king, warned her of his return, and she looked up in time to catch his 'i told you so', glance and she rolled her eyes, before turning back to her patient, giving her, her full attention. Vaguely she was aware of commotion, and the new scents of others that weren't quite in the den. Murmuring encouragements, and kind words, she watched as Argent delivered her litter, and nosed them all gently, licking them, bathing them in the scent of their mother.

Sniffing Argent, she concluded that, that was it, these were her litter. An approving nod, left her as she turned to the pups, reaching forward to nuzzle each of them carefully and slowly, aware that as far as she knew Argent was a first time mother, so she could possibly get a little protective. The pups were splendid, healthy and she sat back, looking at her king and friend.

"Congratulations Argent and Isardis, you have four healthy pups. You did well." With those soft spoken words, she backed up, dipping her head politely, "I'll go and fetch some herbs, that you'll need for strength, and let you bond." With that she wiggled out, and slipped past the gathering of others and took off with a quick trot to get the herbs that Argent would need.