
I want more for you




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
05-05-2024, 11:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2024, 11:46 PM by Wynter. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ever since their mother left with Whisper and Warden she felt like they were kind of going through the motions. It almost made it hard to be around her father because she hated seeing how badly it was affecting him. She knew he was probably hoping they wouldn't notice, but it was hard to ignore how little he was eating or how his coat and feathers weren't really as shiny as they used to be. Still, no matter how much she hated seeing him this way, she tried to spend what time she could with him, hoping that being around her and her remaining siblings would help him in some way. Of course they all had tasks to tend to and he had to do his patrols and the like so she couldn't be with him all the time, but she did what she could when she could, even when it was hard.

She was making her way back toward their home when her father approached her, making her look up at him with a bit of surprise as he lifted a paw to ruffle the fur on the top of her head. "Daaaaad..." she grumbled a bit with mostly fake annoyance at him messing up her fur, but the kiss he followed it up with made up for it and she smiled a bit as she looked up at him–though not nearly as much as she used to. He was still quite a bit taller than her–and probably always would be, she was beginning to realize–but not nearly as much as when she was a little pup. It made her realize all of the sudden just how much she had grown which felt oddly thematic when he went on to ask her if she had thought about what she wanted for her future.

"Just jumping right to the hard hitting questions, huh?" she joked with a chuckle. "I kind of have... I know I want to be here with you and the rest of our family. I know I want to do something important for the Armada. Exactly what I want to do is a little more... ambiguous," she admitted with a thoughtful frown. She enjoyed fighting well enough, but she didn't think that the dream she once had of being a big, fearsome warrior like her grandfather really fit her any more. "I like to meet wolves and study and learn different things about them. I like being sneaky and coming up with plans. I'm just not sure how what I'm good at translates into being important and helpful in the pack."

"Wynter Carpathius"

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1. I want more for you Mile-High Woods 10:43 PM, 04-30-2024 06:34 PM, 07-29-2024