
Girl knows only: Head Empty and Run Fast




Master Hunter (280)

Expert Healer (145)

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-06-2024, 09:15 AM
Jiro notices the change of her expression from the corner of his eye. Tilting his chin slightly so he was looking more at her than the leafy canopy above, he can't help but furrow his brow. Obviously something concerning was on her mind, so much so that it made her upset and all weird. He would stay quiet though and listen because even if he was the clown of the litter, his father had really pushed it on them that they should be respectful and listen when others spoke.

Her story is news to him which isn't surprising. He doesn't expect his father to delve details of other packs to him, but he hopes his father knows of this sudden take over from strangers. Kidnapping and forceful taking of packs? That definitely didn't sound good, not one bit. Jiro doesn't know the wolves she speaks of, but can only guess its her family members. He still watches, his brow still furrowed, concern riddling his own expression as he wonders why it had happened.

"Bad things?" He can't help but whisper, almost too quite for her to hear. When she sits up, Jiro scrambles with his paws to also sit, grass shredding haphazardly beneath his weight and sudden panic. Staring wide eyed at Imogen, its his turn to look at her in a confusing manner. Multiple parents? Three dads? That was new, different, but he guessed it wasn't bad? It wasn't something brought up by his own father so he wasn't sure how to comprehend the dynamic. Where was her mom? Didn't she need a mom to... feed her? Care for her? All that stuff that moms did?

Jiro lets out a sigh as she finishes, his lips curling into its own frown now that he's really registering what happened. "I'm sorry, Imogen," he says earnestly, lifting a paw to place it on her shoulder in hopes of comforting her. "Maybe you guys can go home soon?" Jiro doesn't understand that home no longer existed for Imogen, but he wanted to help comfort her and it was the best thing he had at the moment.

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1. Girl knows only: Head Empty and Run Fast Grapevine Cathedral 03:43 PM, 03-28-2024 01:31 PM, 06-20-2024