
Sweet Dreams are Made of This




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
05-06-2024, 11:01 AM

There was a warmth, a comfort Recluse could only vaugely remember, in being so close to Sparrow. The little touches, the comforting weight of a body against hers. It wasn't fair. She wished it felt both more and less real. Contact here still felt off to her, like she couldn't quite make anyone's edges fit right. But somehow it felt so real she could imagine forgetting who and what she was now.

Recluse didn't have an answer for what a right reason to have children could be. For her it should have been because, well frankly she had adored being a mother. And no matter what anyone else might say she knew she'd been a damn good one. But for Sparrow? She couldn't know. Some part of Recluse couldn't help wishing they could have done it, that she could have given Sparrow children they both could have loved, lives born of their love, that she could have helped shown the woman what she'd adored so much about being a mother. She couldn't answer how Sparrow had had any to begin with but all her own understanding of the world made that possibility impossible, both then and even more so now.

But those thoughts were pushed from her mind as soon as the kissing started. Recluse couldn't help herself, between breathes she giggled. Like she hadn't been too old for that sort of girlish joy when she'd died. Joy. When had she last really felt it? It didn't matter she felt it now. She almost didn't register the words, almost didn't catch that Sparrow still wanted to marry her. To marry a ghost. Fuck. Now she was crying too. She didn't have words, she could only nod, cry and nod. She wanted to marry Sparrow, she wanted it to mean something. Anything. She didn't have many who could feasibly be here for her, her father? Not likely, even if he wanted to be there she'd rather not see him again, would ruin her whole mood. So who else? She'd tried in the few times she'd been conscious enough to find Kali and so far her daughter had evaded her, but she wanted there to be those that loved or cared for Sparrow there. Wanted it to mean something. She finally managed to find her voice. "Wouldn't want to leave you without a story to tell when you get back. Who else could claim they had a ghost wedding?" She was crying and smiling all at the same time, a mix of emotions she'd never imagined she'd feel again, or even could have felt after her death.

"I don't know if it's the same for everyone but it seems that I'm usually woken up, for lack of a better term, when someone misses me and wants to see me again. Could be worth a try." She didn't know how any of it worked, if she was the only one who seemed to go into stasis when there wasn't someone who cared drifting close in sleep. Maybe others just got to be up and about. She didn't want to consider the possibility of being alone here.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.