
On Top Of The World

Insomnia pack meeting!



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (215)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-06-2024, 06:52 PM

With Medusa shifting him into the lead role of Wraith for Insomnia, the pair have finally decided to let the pack know about the change. While this is all a ‘dry run’, so to speak, for when she will train Redrum to lead, it is still important to let everyone that any and all issues will be referred to him so that the pair can figure out the best way to make it into a lesson. Taking a deep breath, he looks to Medusa as the pair stroll to her throne of bones and he offers her an excited grin. He hadn’t even let Tazzy in on the secret yet and he is eager to see what his boyfriend will think.

Next to Medusa’s bone throne, a somewhat smaller, but no less impressive, high backed chair that is made out of a mixture of bones and logs has been set up. It had been his idea to create it and he had insisted on incorporating logs into the design until he could gather enough animal bones for his own seat. Leaping nimbly up into his fur padded seat, he seats himself beside to Medusa and looks to the skeletal marked woman. With a nervous smile, he asks, “Okay. Will you do the honors?”

A call from Medusa will not be suspicious in the least and Enki wants to surprise Tazzy with the fact that he is sitting up here, next to woman in a similar throne. A huge, joyful grin splits his maw as he waits for her to summon the pack.

OOC: Mandatory meeting! Deadline to enter is 5/14. Please wait to enter until after Medusa's post.

"Enki Klien"