
Bringing Home The Bacon


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
05-06-2024, 08:48 PM

Oh! Of course! It was the woman she had sparred with before! How could she have forgotten her!? She felt a bit silly, but she supposed she had been so preoccupied she hadn't quite realized this was the maned wolf she had sparred with not that long ago. Jynn explained what she was doing, and Saga nodded in understanding. If she had a proper tail, she'd wag it much like the wolves did, but as it was, a smile and a nod was good enough. "Saga, and I also enjoyed our spar! I think I mentioned before, but you are the first uh...Maned Wolf I've ever seen. I didn't know there were other kinds of wolves. My mother never mentioned it, I think."

She settled down with the feathers she had found, pulling out some leather cords she always kept with her just in case she needed them. She placed them within reach of both her and Jynn, motioning to the older woman that she was welcome to use them if she needed to. Grabbing one, Saga intended to use a couple of them to braid into a bracelet...or maybe a necklace, she wasn't sure yet. While she laid out what she was going to use, she watched one of her companions nosing around the base of another tree, uncovering a few more feathers, only these ones were patterned and very, very long. "Pheasant feathers!" her companion exclaimed, and Saga, enthralled with feathers of all types, shot an apologetic "excuse me a moment" look at Jynn as she got up to go look.

Sweeping away more leaves, she found quite the assortment of pheasant feathers. They were long, golden in color, with dark brown stripes across. She wondered if this was a nest. Maybe one they decided wasn't in a good spot? Either way, she didn't think there was any harm in taking some. Carefully picking them up, she returned to her place near Jynn and set them down. "Sorry, I like to collect father had feathers, helps me feel close to him sometimes."
