
The demons in our blood




Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Extra small
05-08-2024, 08:19 PM

She got him! She got him good! Her papa screamed in terror and fell to the ground, taking her with him. Fever shrieked with laughter, her little tail going a million miles a minute as she lay on his big chest. Her grandpa went suspiciously silent and Fe's eyes narrowed. She crept forward to get a closer look and he chose then to pop back to life and answer her. Another giggle erupted from the girl and she deposited little puppy kisses on her grandpa's nose.

Alastor admitted that she scared him and Fever was so very proud of herself. The tiny girl beamed and nodded. "I'm the best at hide and seek." Probably not true, but no one had told her otherwise, so how was she to know, eh?

Fever hopped down from her perch, ran a little circle around her grandpa, and made a beeline towards the doorway of the den. "Let's go, let's go, let's go, Papa!" Everyone else was out doing things and she wanted to go do things too! As soon as Alastor got to his paws and picked up the basket, Fever was out the door and careening down the path. She didn't stop until she reached the bottom where the land opened up into a nice grassy field with a bunch of pines.

The girl waited for her grandpa to catch up and she looked about in the process. Just as Alastor came to the bottom of the path and stood beside her, Fever lifted her paw and waved towards one of her many friends. To Alastor, no one would be there, but to Fever, a black and red wolf stood there, waving back with a grin on his face. He motioned for Fever to speak and the girl looked up at her grandpa, all wide eyed and innocent. "Moros says he's proud of you for how you got your revenge, Papa. He won't tell me what that means though." She gave her head a little tilt, as though silently asking him what it meant instead.
