



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
05-08-2024, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 08:16 PM by Isara. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Niv
Age: 32

Character's Name: Isara
Character Age: 4 years
Biological Sex: Female
Year of Birth Year 16
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 26"
Size: Small
Build: Light
Appearance Description: Ever since she was born, Isara had always been of a smaller and slender build than the average wolf. Her bone structure is on the finer side and with her muscling they together accentuate her feminine figure. Once fully grown and properly fed, Isara will stand at about twenty-six inches tall at the shoulder and will only weigh a mere forty-six pounds putting her in a small light build.

Her fur is soft and silky in texture and grows in thick, but unless it is wet, dirt seems to usually fall right out. Isara’s pelt is like that of a canvas that someone has splashed paints of browns and cream on. The only features that stand out from the browns and cream are her teal “claw” markings that rest just below each teal eye. Each claw marking has three lines to it that starts just below the eyes and extends downwards towards her cheeks.

Like most wolves with similar coloring, Isara does have a black nose. She also has black paw pads and black claws.

Isara’s scent lightly dances upon the air surrounding her in a mix of earthy blends of sweet red berries with woodsy undertones of oakmoss, rose, and jasmine with hints of lilac.

Around her neck is a necklace comprised of a thin braided rope which holds a single pendant of a labradorite crystal within a small net pouch. This necklace used to be her mothers and she considers it her greatest treasure.appearance
Skills: Intellect & Healing

Proof of Purchases:
!!!Isara's native tongue is that of Trigedasleng!!!
Trigedasleng is based off of phonetic english/english slang. Feel free to have your character infer/realize what certain words mean if you'd like!
Powerplay that does not result in major injury or death is okay. Otherwise please ask.

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1. Isara Approvals 10:22 PM, 05-08-2024 08:04 PM, 05-11-2024