
Fragile Innocence


09-28-2013, 09:56 AM

Arietta watched the snowy and pink wolf come to the entrance. She twitched her ears, lifting her head as she looked over the stranger. She stood before Arietta now, and the brown wolfess looked down at the prey the other wolf had caught. Her stomach rumbled... and she shifted to her paws, ears pricked forward as she watched this wolf. She seemed really nice... almost like her mother in a way. Well, sort of anyway. Arietta's tail flipped back and forth for a moment as if she was deciding on what to say, but soon she smiled and nodded. "A little. I'm guessing the snow brought you in?" Arietta looked outside, shaking her head. "Snow can be so beautiful... but deadly too. It is a time of great disease. I shudder to think of what lurks out there The she wolf looked back to the other wolf.

"I suppose a good start would be introducing ourselves to each other. I'm Arietta." The she wolf lifted her head proudly. "I lived on one of the islands before this. But since my mother died I came here, seeking some sort of hope."] She tilted her head to the side, her tail wagging back and forth like an excited puppy. "So what's yout name? Do you have a story behind it?" Arietta stood up. edging towards the other rather openly. "I do apologize if I'm acting strange... I just never really met strangers when I was a pup."
