
Boku Babies!



Pride - GenderfluidPride - BisexualToys for TotsEaster Egg Hunt 2023
05-08-2024, 11:36 PM
Potential Names: Titus(means "to burn" in latin), Ifrit(Arabic fire spirits), Achilles [I prefer these names but I'm down to discuss other options if u find something u like more]
Sex: Male
Size: large(36")
Build: Balanced
Alignment: - Good
Personality: Titus as a young boy finds himself to be a little bit of a momma's boy. He is extremely attached to the idea of doing anything his mother is, going where she goes, and hogging all her attention to himself. That's right he's a bit of a spotlight thief when it comes to his mother. He dislikes heavily if his siblings get more attention then him, even growing jealous when they do. Though those puffy cheeks and little glares are about as dangerous as a butterfly(for now). He's all bark and no bite as a young boy. He can actually be surprisingly sweet. A little bit of a softy when it comes to many things, especially his family. He can also be deemed a very good kids, rarely breaking rules and doing as his mother says without verbal questions, though he will have those questions of why not, just not verbally.

As Titus grows he will grow to find he enjoys sparring in the dojo, even growing to enjoy the lessons he will receive there. The older he gets the more he will develop into a man who wants nothing more than to be a soldier to protect his family. He wont be a forgiving man. A temper also hides under that sweet man, though it is kept in check and carefully tucked away unless necessary. He's a man for the people, sticking to his birth pack like his destiny lies in it, and doing anything his pack needs of him.

As both a child and an adult he will have an intelligence that seeks to learn everything. It is because of this that he can be called a silver tongue. He can whip words together that make you thing deeply, or that bring beauty like none other to words. A poet if you would. He enjoys books, poems, and learning scripts, eventually coming to apply many poems he reads to his tones as an adult.

Plot ideas, if any: obv get him master in fighting(hoping before he is 2), gonna go intellect as well, lots of jealous baby time?, he's gonna be a momma's boy so hoping lots of threads with Bowen, I'm down for a cursed or mutated pup as well but i'd rather give someone else the opportunity if one of the players here will be chosen

I am not ok with him gettin major maims or disfigurements before he is 2 so I'm hoping that's plenty ok that I'm not as willing to throw him in with characters I feel might harm the bean. I'm also ok with if you guys like him enough but wanna give others the slots(if resin agrees) having Bowen find him as a baby and adopt him as i have a rogue pup pass on my ooc.

Themes: Lugia's song epic version and Soldier, Poet, King(Reinaeiry version)

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