
Boku Babies!



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
05-09-2024, 05:40 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 08:40 AM by Indie. Edited 9 times in total.)


Potential Names: Holden, Rowan, Kolten / Kolter, Konner, Weston, Mikhail, +++
Gender: Male.
Size & Build: 45" | Balanced


Skills; FIGHTING [Bulwark] & HEALING [Field Medic]
[ A D A P T A B L E ]
Kolt is a versatile individual, able to thrive in any situation. He relishes challenges and welcomes new experiences with ease. In times of stress, he remains composed, keeping his emotions in check. Whether working in a team or leading by example, Kolt is adaptable and driven towards achieving the goal when it matters the most. Observant and forward-thinking, he can anticipate potential problems and plan accordingly. When faced with difficulties, his focus is always on finding a solution, even if it means thinking outside the box. However, his self-sufficient nature can lead to isolation as he struggles to trust others and relies on himself for support. Nonetheless, Kolt's determination and dedication will make him a valuable asset in any endeavor.

[ I N D E P E N D E N T ]
Kolt has a quiet desire to satiate an adventurous soul, and whether he leads on to be or not- he is always eager to experience everything life has to offer. He will never be one to prioritize his own needs over others but will rather seek satisfaction in all aspects of his life. As a child and young adult, Kolt's thirst for adventure is evident, but as he matures he will begin to see the importance of family and makes them his main priority. His self-awareness is strong, allowing him to confidently take action and focus on his goals without worry about others' perceptions. However, this independence may cause challenges if he ever has to rely on someone else. His lack of concern for what others think could be mistaken for aloofness or superiority, but in reality, he values his loved ones deeply and simply values self-sufficiency above everything else.

[ C E N T E R E D ]
Kolt is a stabilizing force, always reliable and predictable. His calm demeanor makes him a natural peacemaker, especially when dealing with those who tend to create drama. He has a strong sense of self and avoids getting involved in unhealthy situations that could upset his balance. Despite his laid-back nature, Kolt has good priorities and steady emotions. He doesn't let things he can't control bother him, choosing instead to go with the flow and enjoy life as it comes. Winning or chasing success are not top priorities for him; he simply wants to savor the experience. This lack of ambition may lead some to believe he is apathetic or lacking passion. But in reality, Kolt is content with who he is and doesn't feel the need for status or recognition. He is comfortable just being himself and providing stability for those around him.

[ D I S C I P L I N E D ]
Kolt is a man with clear goals and a strategic mindset. He takes charge of situations, carefully considering the most efficient path to achieve his desired outcome. His attention to detail ensures that everything runs smoothly, as he personally accepts responsibility for any potential letdowns. A hardworking and dedicated individual, Kolt handles daily tasks with ease, allowing others to focus on more important matters. He is a caring and reliable support figure who takes initiative when he sees a need. There is an inherent strength and integrity in Kolt that earns him the respect and trust of those around him. He stands firm in his beliefs and always does what he believes to be right, even if it comes at a personal cost.

[ S E L F L E S S ]
Kolten is always going to put others before himself. He is adept at reading others and interpreting their words to determine what they really want or need. He isn’t particularly tied to material items, and often views his own possessions as resources to be shared with others. He doesn’t seek to benefit himself, but acts out of a desire to ensure his loved ones are happy and taken care of. He cares deeply, and has the best interest of his charges at heart. He is willing to set aside his own wants and needs to make sure the needs of his loved ones are taken care of. As his loved ones explore the world and their place within it, he will take it upon himself to ensure no harm comes to them. He has a knack for assessing possible risks and minimizing them, protecting their assets and resources from those who might take advantage of them. 


+ + + You know I'm all about the stat grind. But with Kolt his motivation will be a little different. Even as a double master, he will be the first to tell you that he is no healer. He is not competitive. He doesn't want to be the biggest or best. But in a pinch, he can patch someone up or provide support to a more adept healer- really kind of embodying that field medic role. He will see himself as a soldier without any real drive to hold rank. If he is told to fill a position, he will do so as he is told. But as far as that goes, he could easily fall into an "Enforcer" type role. If something were to ever happen where he got separated from his family- he would probably be more like a "Mercenary for Hire" type.

+ + + Kat may or may not have mentioned something about Haiku dying so he may be in the market for a male role model in his life. Preferably someone who also has a strong moral compass and a more quiet demeanor- someone he can relate to. But of course, he'll take what he can get. 

+ + + He's a sweet kid. Their little family will be his top priority. So I'm hoping for lots of bonding time. Opportunities for him to flex his protectiveness. I mean, if Dad's not around, for example, he'll be the kind of guy who wants to hand his sisters off at their weddings lol

+ + + I would love for him to have friends outside of the hallows. Perhaps a sparring/training buddy, or maybe a girl next door situation. I'm not sure how the timing is going to work out with other litters, but if there were opportunities for playdates, I would be highly interested c:

+ + + Not plot-related, but I think I would try and get him a mutation like antlers. Would need to give it more thought as to exactly what kind though.

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