
s i g n s--o f--l i f e


09-28-2013, 10:03 AM

The she wolf didn't seem to thrilled with him... and Kar didn't mind that. She had gone through troubles -- any wolf with a bit of knowledge in his head knew that. Did she think he was up to something? Kar had to wonder about that. But his kindness to her was genuine. He wasn't a bad wolf, and was more the type to be that knight in shining armor type of guy. His parents had often wondered if he would find the strength of living on his own... but luckily he had... and his journey led him Alacritis. He practically beamed when she spoke.

Perfect! Thank you so much, miss... it is a wonderful day to have met you." Kar was definitely the enthusiastic one. He could sense determination flowing through her. He thought about saying she need not push herself with that, but thinking better of it he decided not to. She could possibly get angry at him for bringing up such a thing. So for now he would go along with her and pretend she was just fine. "That is indeed the plan. I hope you don't mind. I just... like meeting new people. After every meeting you carry a piece of that friend with you, you know?" Most wolves probably thought of him as naive or even stupid... but it was simply his nature.

Kar started moving forward, his body instinctively lowering towards the ground. His ears pricked forward and he scented the window. "Do you fancy some type of deer or elk, or would you like rabbit instead?"

Speech, Thought