
Boku Babies!



Pride - Demisexual
05-09-2024, 07:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 04:15 PM by Disaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
Potential Names: I've stuck with native american names due to the deign that struck my eye as well as the eyes.
Aponi (butterfly in Native American)
Kateri (pure in Native American Mohawk)
Maka (earth in Native American Sioux)
Niabi (fawn in Native American Osage)
Rayen (flower in Native American Mapuche)
Sinopa (fox Native American Blackfoot)
Una (remember in Native American Hopi)
Yazhi (little one in Native American Navajo)

Sex: Female
Size: Average 33"
Build: Balanced
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skill: Healer
While she is young, she is always following her sibling around, and sometimes way too trusting of others around her because knowing that mom wouldn't let no one bring her harm. This young lady is a collector of feathers and anything that she finds interesting or eye catching. And lets just admit feathers there are all different in colors, shapes and sizes. She's always interested in herbs and what they can do for you. A healer of sorts. A lass that is always asking questions doesn't matter who is around. She how ever is a baby and wouldn't venture too far from the pack or her mother, and would be the one who tells mom when brother or sister does something wrong - especially if it is something that is harmful. One could say she is very empathic, and shows everyone that same kindness and gentleness that they deserve. Strong minded, when she puts her heart and mind to something you very well best believe she will do everything in her power to get it done.

As an adult this lady is adventurous and still much like her pup self. But she is careful and wise for her age, maybe that falls into that same part when she was a puppy always asking questions and being a collector. She had become very independent not relying on anyone to do a task for her that she couldn't do on her own. She is one that will help others in need though. The kind and gentle ways have not left her at all, and well lets admit it. She's a healer, and one that is always up to give advice or answer questions she knows the answers too. Understanding is a term many would use for her along with patience and tender.

Plot ideas, if any:
I would love her to be a healer of sorts. Maybe leaves the pack for a year or so to venture and find a path that may work for her, but ends up coming back home.


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