
Unexpected Refuge



02-06-2013, 06:27 PM
Quote:He smiled. Perhaps her own optimism was catching, leading him to believe her words and be put at ease, but whatever the case she was more than happy to claim a small victory for it. They hardly knew each other, and yet, knowing that he had so much at stake, renewing his hope seemed important to her. Ashtoreth knew very few others within her pack, and had only met Leon once, but, even with everything in chaos around them, she was still more than happy to assist another of her pack in whatever way she could, even it was with something as silly as causing a few smiles. Not to mention he had a very nice smile.

It seemed, though neither had outright acknowledged it, that they were in this together, and would likely from here on out be in search of their missing pack as a single unit. And considering neither of them seemed to have the slightest clue where the pack as a whole had gone, Ashtoreth knew keeping faith and hope alive was going to be key. Which would likely mean as many false smiles and wishful assurances as it took to get them there, but that was a small price to pay if they made it in the end.

"Yeah. Probably," she agreed willingly, still smiling as she allowed her gold and purple eyes to close once more. Oh, how nice it would have been to just give in to sleep here and now and rest knowing that another set of ears was nearby. True, Leon was just as exhausted as she felt, but it was still some comfort, knowing she knew someone within this unfamiliar land. Knowing she did not have to get through this alone.

For a second time, the little grey wolf nearly nodded her head, but with an airy breath of a laugh she stopped herself. "Yeah. I only stopped 'cause I couldn't go on. I wasn't exaggerating about my paws being ready to fall off," she added with a gentle shake of her head, managing to get her eyes open just enough to peek at Leon where he lay mere feet down the creek bank. "Did you see anything when you came over here?" she queried, wishing she had had sense enough to look around longer when she still had her feet. Aside from grass and sparse trees, she could recollect nothing of significance about the territory they were laying in. For all she knew, danger could have just been waiting out of sight.

-- ashtoreth