
Fable O'Shae

fable by kit

04-02-2013, 05:07 PM
OOC Name: Kit
How did you get here?: Hopping from one ad box to another.
Age: 18
PvP: Semi-Realistic

Character's Name: Fable O'Shae
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: Small
Appearance description: To some, Fable would be considered a beauty. She took after her mother, Robin, in more ways than one by inheriting not only her small, feminine build, but her rare coat as well. A striking face is home to long, full ears, warm green eyes, and a maw filled with pearly whites. Her torso and midsection are compact, with a slim waist and rounded rump. Long legs seem to go on for miles, with deft, sure paws to carry her. Her muscles aren't easily visible, but rest assured that they are present. They're made more for speed and agility, so rather than bulge with her every movement, they seem to flow over her frame like water over stone. Her most striking feature, her pelt, consist of a warm golden-orange that fades in some areas and burns to nearly brown in others with a creamy undertone. It has a feathered texture, and becomes particularly dense around her neck and lengthy tail. Her speech carries a distinctly Irish based accent, an uncommon trait amongst her kind, developed over time by the influence of her mother who's origins are unknown.