




Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
05-09-2024, 03:46 PM
The cold winter nights of Boreas were usually dark as the abyss, but lately the skies had been alive with rippling bands of bright auroras, illuminating the world in their neon lights along with the argent silver of the waning moon. It made the snowcapped peaks of Fenrir’s Maw seem to glow with the otherworldly hues, turning the white canvas of snow into a vibrant rainbow across the ground. Though still a pup, Hallvarðr was almost a teenager, and rebellion and angst were as much a part of him as the blood in his veins. So the tall lad was out in the cold and the snow, his thick coat protecting him from the chill of the winter night, paws much too large for his current stature crunching through the snow. His breath hung in humid clouds with each exhale, sharp arctic blue eyes peering around at the arid mountainside, looking for someone. He had watched Rúna get up and leave their den a little earlier in the night, and while sleeplessness was not unusual for the pups as they were going through this tumultuous time, it was well past their curfew. Oh well, who was going to stop them from taking a little midnight stroll?

Rounding past a boulder, his footsteps pressing through the fresh powdery snow with a gentle sound, following the trail left behind by his sister in her wake. With the freshly fallen snow on the mountain, it was an easy task to see concisely where she had been, and it made tracking her all the easier as well. Following his sister's large paw prints and her scent on the bitter cold wind, Hal's icy blue eyes scanned around trying to locate her. She had gotten a little ways ahead of him, which meant he could follow her undetected and see what she was up to. He would not tattle on her, of course; the siblings were much closer and shared many of the same crimes of disobedience as one another, and they had since birth. He simply wanted to know what she was up to. Plus he could not sleep as well, and this seemed like a productive use of his excess time.

Keeping his gait leisurely and measured, Hal followed almost directly in Rúna's paw prints, using her path to mask his own in his pursuit of her and muffle any crunching of snow beneath his own large paws. He did not know how far ahead of him she had gotten or where she was going to, but he knew he would be finding out soon enough. He just had to catch up to her first...

WC: 442
Total: 442 / 1500

Víðarr and Tenshi may enter any of Hallvarðr's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. Nightstalker Fenrir's Maw 03:46 PM, 05-09-2024 06:55 PM, 08-19-2024