
To Begin Again


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
05-09-2024, 02:32 PM

The last... however long it had been... felt like a blur. It was as though she, too, had been asleep, just like her brother. Siduri drifted through her own mind like a ship without a sail and there hadn't been many moments where she'd fully felt like herself. The girl found that she was closer to the surface when she had a task; something that she cared about. And so, Siduri spent her time with Tarnish.

After learning that her father had been murdered, Sid had disappeared, gone off to who knows where. And then Gilgamesh had shown up in her path, suddenly alive. Because her mind was such a mess, Sid thought that perhaps it was a lie, an illusion, but it had been Gilgamesh in the flesh. Losing and regaining her father had done something to the girl. She no longer laughed or smiled. She was serious, sullen.

Siduri spent her days and nights curled up against Tarnish. Being with her brother and caring for him while he was incapacitated was the responsibility that she required to keep her brain where it was supposed to be. You know, she also loved him.

Sid was curled up next to her dark coated sibling when a soft, weak voice met pale ears. Sid was on her paws in an instant, staring down at the stirring form. Rather than immediately launch herself at him, the girl raced to the doorway and bellowed, "SAKANAAAAAAA!" Only once she called for the healer did she fly back to Tarnish, skidding to a halt and dropping to her belly before him. "You had me so worried!" Pale forelegs wrapped about Tarnish's neck and Sid pulled him into an embrace that was both forceful and gentle at the same time.


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1. To Begin Again Cryer's Ravine 10:25 AM, 05-09-2024 01:11 PM, 07-29-2024