
Got Time For This?


03-10-2013, 11:02 PM
ooc; gonna play this pre-Ludicael joining :3

anddd MATURE.

Vanilla coated legs would carry him to the south. Having come from the barren and recently burned land of the Old Alacritia, Marvel was glad to be in the fertile new Alacritia. However fertile it may be though, he had found it so far to be quite barren of females. This worried the man, as he could not go without female company for long - or at least he didn't want to. However, as luck would have it, a lass of the purest white would grace sterling eyes. The bitch was rolling on the earth, practically inviting the lurking man to take her right then and there. The fire in his loins beckoned him to do so, but his mind told him precautions needed to be taken. This dame could have a mate, she could have a man waiting just around the bend, and Marvel wasn't about to start a war for a piece of ass. Even though hers was rather delicious. The vanilla man would creep forward on silent paws, coming up beside her and whispering in her ear, his voice deep and bassy. Well hello, he would offer as he slithered by her, coming to rest on her other side and watching her with steely eyes.
