
Starlight sword fight



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
05-11-2024, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2024, 11:18 PM by Aylin. Edited 1 time in total.)

Aylin stood at the ready, humming with energy and excitement. Living alone with her father for so long the best she could hope for in terms of training partners was the occasional weapon wielding wolf that they might cross during their travels. It was only after she arrived at the Hallows that she had the opportunity to train–and fight–with wolves that not only knew this method of fighting that she enjoyed so much but were good at it. She kept her gaze trained on Ember as the two of them remain squared off with one another, their blades drawn in the stillness that only really happened in the seconds before a fight. The second she saw a twitch of movement from Ember she was on the move, her silver gaze trained on Ember's blade to make sure she knew the direction it was moving. Swinging her own sword in an arc back along her own side she blocked Ember's first attack with a clash of metal on metal, her lips curling up in a grin around the grip of her blade. With a twist of her head she pushed Ember's blade away and reset her stance just in time for Ember to send another swing her way.

Ember was very fast and adept with her sword, a clear sign of the fact that she had been training with a master like Artorias likely since she was big enough to hold up a training sword. It was a joy to watch Ember fight and even more fun to actually be on the receiving end of her quick, decisive moves. Aylin turned her head again, holding her blade in the path of Ember's second attack for another block. The swords struck against one another again with a scrape of metal on metal that cut the silence and she twisted her sword to try and repeat what she had done before of letting her opponent's blade slide harmlessly away. However, unlike Ember she was still getting used to what it felt like to go into combat with another sword wielding wolf–especially with a real blade–and she over corrected with her attempted block. Maybe it was because Ember was holding back more than she expected or perhaps it was because of her own inexperience, but either way instead of pushing the blade away she made it slide down the length of her own sword on accident, sending the point of Ember's sword slicing across her cheek.

Aylin staggered back a bit–more out of shock than pain–and blinked with surprise as she reeled a bit and realized what had happened and where she had gone wrong. She stuck her sword into the dirt for a moment as she brought a paw up to her cheek and when she looked down at her paw pads she saw blood smeared across them. Well, it was a short lived spar, but the thrill of adrenaline was still very much there and when she looked back up at Ember's worried face she couldn't help but grin. She hardly paid attention to Ember's fretting and apologies. She felt so alive! She finally had a very small taste of a real sword fight and oh how badly she wanted more! And it was all thanks to Ember. Without really thinking as she continued to ride this high of excitement and adrenaline, Aylin tipped her muzzle to cross the small gap between them and she pressed her lips to the lips of the Carpathian princess, stealing a lingering kiss just to top off this unexpectedly fantastic evening.

"Aylin Adravendi"

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1. Starlight sword fight Amron's Castle 04:56 AM, 03-14-2024 05:20 AM, 08-14-2024