
Reaper man, reaper man is coming to tear



Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

2 Years
Extra large
05-11-2024, 08:21 PM

When the bright toned wolf offered a shoulder, he wasn’t too proud to take it. He knew he wouldn’t get too far staggering alone. He wouldn’t have gotten anywhere at all, in fact. She had saved his life, and spared him the fate of his brothers. A wave of sadness and ‘what ifs’ pushed through him, but he was too tired for it to linger for long. He knew what his mother would say concentrate on the living and right now, that meant himself.

As he moved along, his saviour spoke, mentioning fire, food and drink which made his stomach grumble and his dry throat burn. Soon, soon. He kept his focus forward, trying not to lean too hard on the taller wolf as they staggered together along the beach. She continued to speak, her words that of treehouses - an odd concept to him - and the name of what he must assume was a pack. A Raiders Hallow, had he fallen in with pirates?

It took a shameful amount of time before he realised the state the as of yet unnamed stranger was in. He gleaned over at her, and then did a double take. “Your fit to burst” he grunted, which wasn’t the most diplomatic approach to the wolf that had saved his life. But words were incredibly hard right now, and the pounding in his head didn’t leave much room for thinking.


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1. Reaper man, reaper man is coming to tear Cryer's Ravine 06:15 PM, 05-10-2024 10:32 PM, 06-08-2024