
Reaper man, reaper man is coming to tear



Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

2 Years
Extra large
05-11-2024, 08:44 PM

His rescuer was able to fill in the silence a lot better than he could right now. She kept up a light conversation, even if it was mostly one sided. Good banter, and good at a rescue? It was almost a shame her next words pronounced her taken. Or perhaps not, he knew what he had just lost hadn’t had a chance to sink it yet.

“I’m only alive because of you… what's a little patience?” The joke fell a little flat considering how much effort it was to push it out of his parched throat. He was starting to shiver too. Cold, and shock bringing him back to life now that he was no longer dying. He was a little worried how much his leg would start to hurt once the cold wore off.

A long groan escaped him as he moved into the den and the warmth touched his brittle coat. He reached as far as the firepit and then sank slowly to the ground. He put his head on his uninjured paw and let the heat wash over him. He and Modesty would need to have a talk soon. He knew that, but there would be time for it. Assuming he woke up again, there would be time for it.


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1. Reaper man, reaper man is coming to tear Cryer's Ravine 06:15 PM, 05-10-2024 10:32 PM, 06-08-2024