
'cause i'm on the tv



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-12-2024, 12:23 AM

With his panther companion in tow, Sephiran walks along the icy shoreline of the ocean inlet, watching chunks of ice float lazily on the water’s surface. In the distance, waves crash against the rocky shore of Arden’s Glacies, the water a dark, steely hue that reflects the wintery sky above. For a moment, he wonders which of his wolves are on the island, enjoying the warmth of the volcanic lake that bubbled at its dormant core. Aresenn and Absinth likely. As long as Absinth was training the ravens to patrol their territories, he’d leave her alone. And Aresenn? He’d proposed taking one more diplomatic responsibilities, and Sephiran was waiting to hear his report.

He considered crossing the frozen land bridge that appeared between The Polar Sound and the island, but decided against it. Nearby, a familiar scent was hanging in the air, guiding his muzzle in her direction as his eyes adjusted to the midday light. Riot. He hadn’t interacted with her since her arrival, but she’d taken her role as huntress seriously. She’d proven herself to be a master in the trade. He needed an Effendi Sayad; he’d made that clear at their foundational meeting. But he wasn’t the type to hand titles out so easily. If she wanted to be his lead hunter, she’d need to impress him further.

He didn’t hesitate to approach her, exuding his usual aura of dominance as he came up from the side. She’s perched on a log, studying the inlet with an analytical eye, which sparks his interest. “Riot.” He grumbles, commanding her attention. Shortly after, a forceful exhale of air bursts the water's surface, alerting Sephiran of the beluga pod feeding in his inlet. For a moment he studies them; noting their striking white coloration, which contrasts against the dark waters. They gravitate towards the floating ice, vocalizing with chirps and clicks as they breach the surface to take a breath.

His attention turns back to Riot. “You trained beneath the hunters in Saffron?” He asks, wanting to know where she got her training from. Of course, he assumes she’d picked it up back home, given she’d just arrived to his domain. And if not home, then he wants to know how she excelled so quickly.  

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.