
What a fine mess this is




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
05-12-2024, 11:07 PM

Of course, Rogue wasn’t going to sit there and take her assault; the moment she lunged, he scrambled to his paws, pulling himself away to avoid the brunt of her attack. But Nimue is swift and light on her paws, striking with practiced agility and hitting her mark. She grabs onto the side of his neck, sinking her needle-like teeth into his flesh, exerting pressure and drawing blood to the surface. A satisfied, primal growl bubbles from her throat, escaping through the corners of her lips as her mouth is full of his fur and skin. She welcomed the taste of his blood on her pallet, attempting to shake her head from side to side to worsen the wound.

But Rogue is using his larger size to his advantage, having found his footing and standing to his full height, which made Nimue dangle from his neck. The moment she felt her back paws leave the earth she pulled them into her abdomen, trying to claw at his shoulders to gain any amount of leverage she could. That’s when she felt his claws dig into the back of her neck, a shrieking yelp replacing her growl as a wince contorted her features. Those damn claws.  There was pressure behind his paw too, like he wanted to hold her in close. Was he trying to hug her? She scoffed, flexing her jaw tighter, trying to bring on another wave of stinging pain.

He certainly wasn’t trying to hug her. He was surging forward, holding her close but where he was going, she didn’t know. Not until she heard the splashing of water. He’d leaped into the lake, holding her against him and pinning her down beneath the water. A shockwave of alarm surged through her, the little voice in her head commanding her to let go of him or she would drown; but the devil on her shoulder said otherwise. And she often listened to it instead of her voice of reason. Rogue wanted to drown her? That was his way out of a fight? Fucking bastard.

Nimue was fueled by her relentless resolve, refusing to yield despite the odds stacking up against her. She screamed into his skin, bubbles leaving her maw and rising to the surface of the water. In a swift, decisive movement, she swipes her right paw out of the water and up at his face, trying to snag him with her claws. She’s aiming for his eyes, but she may fall short given she’s being pinned beneath the water. She shakes her head again too, trying to tear his skin more.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Nimue vs Rogue for Brooding Brawl (Dominance)
Round 2/2
Age: >1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!