
We Are Warrior Souls

Mandatory pack meeting


Hospitality Squad

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Gay
05-13-2024, 04:35 AM
Art & Code by Rex 2023


Iki was doing what he did best, Being friendly, sweet and well a fatty. Currently he had his little basket with a few eggs in it, A wag to his tail and a grin on his ever happy face. Aunt Haydee he hadn't seen lately but he was so happy still. These eggs were gonna taste amazing! His broad shoulders and paws were pushing out of the coop as the sound sounded. Oop! He should definitely go there!

So without further adieu he moved as fast as he could to push the coop door closed and made for the meeting place with his basket of eggs. He wasn't exactly fast but he definitely was gonna be there! He had a very important job and position in Ethne! He couldn't disappoint his aunt or momma!

He made it in record time if he said so. His green gaze scanned those here already and his tail wagged as they settled on the other kids then his aunt and dad. Oh good! He was here early! He moved to take a seat placing his basket in front of him. Then a good stretch and he was laying with the basket between his paws. His huge grin turned up to miss Saga, before he reached for an egg and started to eat it shell and all. Definitely his favorite part was the yolky bits though. He swallowed fast before turning his egg yolk dripping chin to Haydee and giving her a massive grin. He had no idea why miss Saga was calling but he would listen for sure. Miss Saga was like his dad a big bruiser! so it had to be important!

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1. We Are Warrior Souls Lazuli Falls 06:51 PM, 05-06-2024 11:57 PM, 07-11-2024