
The Kid I Used To Know




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-13-2024, 05:26 PM
As Enki talks with the huge polar bear, he cannot seem to be able to take his eyes off the beautiful beach that surrounds them. It is truly picturesque here and the sounds only seem to add to the beauty. The waves continue their movement, the rush and pound as they slam into the beach and the gentler sound of them pulling back out. Gulls circle overhead, crying out their hunger to those gathered below. Even the subtle shifting of the granules as large paws shift side the sand does not go unnoticed by him.

Yes, it truly is striking.

The bear’s voice pulls Enki’s bright blue eyes up to her and he nods in agreement with her assessment of there being plenty of material in the area and he offers he another smile. Looking at the shell and thin slate of obsidian that she earths, the young man curiously asks, “Are you a crafter by trade?” While he, himself isn’t, the pale pink man has always been amazed by the creations that others can make out of almost anything.

Introductions are exchanged and his smile grows as she gives her name, rank, and pack and his head takes on a slight tilt of interest as he says, “Ethne? Polaris? These names are unfamiliar to me. May I ask where exactly you call home?” Enki’s world had been limited to Habari, Ashen, and Insomnia and, now that he has his life back, he wishes to expand his horizons and see everything in the world that he has missed.

Not wishing to ask information without offering some in exchange, he says, “Insomnia is located to the west in the lands called Dancefloor of the Gods and Whisperer’s Gorge.” With a content sigh, his gaze slides out over the dark beach as he continues to enjoy the warm autumn day around them. He hums appreciatively at her words about the beauty of this place and he opens his mouth to reply when the sun reaches its zenith.

The words on his lips die as the beach comes alive with the sun’s rays as the obsidian that creates this beach sudden seems to glow. Jaw falls open in awe as he looks out the beach, toward the rolling waves that now seem to sparkle as they spill across the once dark beach. For a moment, it is disorientating because, where seconds before had stood a dark, endless abyss, now is bright and warm.

It is as if thousands upon thousands of diamonds had been embedded in the dark soil, hidden from their sight until the perfect moment when they could share their beauty. Sheer awe paints Enki features as watches the wonderful phenomena and he suddenly wonders what this place looks like during a lightning storm. With a soft, breathy, “Wow.” Enki turns his attention back to the polar bear who is no longer the only marvel on this beach and asks in a soft, wonder-filled voice, “Have you ever seen anything like this?”

Bright blue eyes are filled with the amazement of a child seeing something for the very first time.

"Enki Klein"

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1. The Kid I Used To Know Obsidian Beach 08:26 PM, 04-28-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024