
Another One Bites The Dust

Saga Predator Fight



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-13-2024, 06:15 PM

Now that Enki is the Wraith of Insomnia, no matter for how short of a time, the young man is determined to gather as much information and to get a better lay of the world. That is why he has trekked out to the prairie, curiosity and the drive to explore pushing him out toward southern Boreas. Prey animals are abundant here and the warmer than normal winter still sees many of them actively out and grazing.

Bright eyes watch them as he slowly wanders through the land, enjoying the day and warmth. Suddenly, a series of howls splits the air, snapping his head around as the deer that been grazing not too far away, panic and turn to flee. From across the grass land, a pack of mongrel canines charge toward him, seeing his presence here as a trespass into their unmarked territory.

Too bad they picked the wrong wolf to mess with.

Turning toward the pack, Enki does not wait for them to reach him and instead kicks off, charging toward the wild group with fire in his eyes. The dogs hesitate, uncertainty flickering in their eyes at the fact that the outnumbered pink wolf had chosen to engage them. With a booming snarl, he meets the leader of the group head on, using his height and weight to his advantage and easily bowling it over.

The group snaps back themselves and they lung at him, forcing the young man to retreat from the downed leader before he can do any permanent damage. Snarls fill the air as Enki postures, slowly circling the group as he looks for an opening.

"Enki Klein"

Thread Move Log
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1. Another One Bites The Dust Algoma Prairie 06:15 PM, 05-13-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024