
Survival Of The Sickest

Cadaver Predator Fight



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3 Years
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Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-13-2024, 07:09 PM

The young man is just across Insomnia’s borders, checking on the scent of a group of predators that has been lingering a little too close to the pack. Carefully, he moves into the valley, alert and searching for the coyotes that he had found earlier. Eager to see how Widow’s pups have been fairing, the pale pink man has brought along one that goes by the name of Cadaver. Blue eyes slide over to the moody youth as he softly says, “They’re close. Remember, we don’t have to kill them all, we just need to stay safe.”

It is as much of a warning as he dares to give the pup, wanting Cadaver to know that, above all else, it is important that they make it back to Insomnia unharmed. They come upon the group near the water and he growls threateningly at them, pulling the coyotes attention to himself and, hopefully, allowing the pup time to get himself into a better position.

Enki charges forward, snarling at them as he moves to the nearest one, striking out viciously at its face. The fear that had rooted them in place for a moment is sudden dispelled by the attack and they begin to snap and snarl as the rest of the regroup and turn to face the attacking wolf now stands over their downed member. Eyes flash as he reaches down, quickly and efficiently removing its throat and ending its life. With blood on his lips, he growls lowly at the remain coyotes and readies to attack again.

"Enki Klien"

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1. Survival Of The Sickest Emerald Valley 07:09 PM, 05-13-2024 02:42 PM, 06-07-2024