
Survival Of The Sickest

Cadaver Predator Fight



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (225)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-13-2024, 09:03 PM

Just as he glances to where Cadaver is, the pup tosses aside the body of his opponent, now dead and defeated. A grin tugs at his lips for moment as he turns his attention back to the last two coyotes rushing toward the now cowering pair. Instinctively, he aims for the larger of the two but he quickly realizes that it is closer to the pup so, instead, angles toward the smaller, closer one. It doesn’t stand a chance as he swallows up the distance in one long stride, jaws seeking and finding the back of the creature’s neck.

It yelps in surprise and fear as he easily lifts its body off the ground, his jaws squeezing and pressing closed its airway. Enki throws it savagely to the ground, stunning the beast and allowing him to shift his jaws until they are now clasped around the front of its throat and, while he could choose to end it quickly, the pale pink man takes the more… cruel approach. For daring to tread so close to Insomnia lands, he slowly cuts of its oxygen, watching the creature struggle and flail as he ends its life.

Only he is certain that it has suffered enough, does Enki lift a paw, planting it against the creature’s back and, with a twist and a jerk, snaps the coyote’s neck. Dropping his dead opponent, he looks over to Cadaver, panting as he gages how the pup had faired. Licking his lips to rid them of some of the blood, he asks, “You good?” Silently he watches the pup, trying to spy exactly what he is feeling in their moment of victory.

"Enki Klien"

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1. Survival Of The Sickest Emerald Valley 07:09 PM, 05-13-2024 02:42 PM, 06-07-2024