
Absinth X Aresenn Hellspawn

Puppy Adopt Thread!


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
05-13-2024, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2024, 11:16 PM by Absinth. Edited 2 times in total.)

Absinth x Aresenn 


  • These pups must be active, me and Indie really want them to be developed and have the stats to boot! We ask for a minimum of 8 posts a month, which we will gladly help attain.
  • Because we know real life can get rough, we will have a grace period of 3 OOC months of not meeting the activity requirement before we will reclaim the pup/design if applicable.
  • We also would like for them to have earned 240 stat points total by their first birthdays -- double mastered by their second birthdays.
  • Absinth is going to be a very involved mother, Aresenn will be a present father as well. They will deliver IC consequences to any of their children who are slacking off, as are the rules for Syndicate pups!
  • Once you hit 200 posts, or 2 years of age, the pup is yours. But should you take the character off site you will not be permitted to use the concept of the pup, or lineage anymore. Its personality and design (if purchased or pre-owned) are fair game of course, we just don't want them connected to Absinth or Aresenn anywhere but Ardent.


Absinth is Lawful Evil, Aresenn is Chaotic Neutral. None of their children really have a chance at being good souls. Absinth is vulgar and combative, Aresenn is assertive and impartial.



  • All designs we provide must stay on ardent, unless purchased from us.
  • You are free to bring your own design of course, or make small edits to the provided designs.
  • Aresenn is all reds, russet, and natural golds. Absinth is black and white, with her dominant trait being her wingy markings on her shoulders.
  • The pups have the potential for Albinism and chimerism.
  • Eye colors can vary, some prominent colors include: Gold, Green, Red, Orange, Amber.


Aresenn and Absinth have no mutations. Their kids can though, by whatever forces allow it.


Absinth is 36”, Aresenn is 41”. Please keep these kids around Medium to XL, dire if you really want.

Psychological Issues

  • Aresenn has violent blackouts/dissociative events that can be triggered via prey-drive.
  • His father, Ignis, is schizophrenic and has DiD and bipolar disorder.
  • Absinth’s father, Setekh, is a literal psychopath with a Schizotypal personality disorder where he hears voices; so there’s that.
  • Absi will notice if her kids are having mental issues, but she’s more likely to try and experiment with the extent and the pros/cons and go from there with raising them.


  • These pups will not be scapegoats for any plots, nor fodder/killed off.
  • They must adhere to all Syndicate pack rules.
  • Absinth or Aresenn will crash threads if necessary to ensure the safety of their children, but this would be rare and really only a dire straits kind of deal.
  • These pups will be allowed outside of Syndicate lands early on, with the restriction that they will either mention one of Absinth’s ravens lurking nearby or PP Absinth/Aresenn themselves somewhere in the area.
  • These pups will not be permitted to cause conflict with other packs.
  • These pups will be (if not involved) in close proximity to mature themes and plots, keep this in mind if you believe this will make you uncomfortable. The Syndicate is not PG-13.
  • These pups will be raised alongside Sephiran’s litter, as Absinth is filling the role of ‘mother’ (more like caretaker) of the Saxe brood. They kids can feel however they like about this, Absinth isn’t going to play favorites.
  • All pups will get a raven companion as a gift from Absinth on their first outing! :)

The following ‘plots’ should be expected as per Syndicate rules!

  • Khalif tiered training - From the moment pups are born, they are shaped into bloodthirsty warriors. It is a parent's responsibility to train their pups through tiered predator fights- meaning, they will present a predator for their child to fight, starting small and increasing in size as the child meets their milestones. This is meant to prepare them for their Yearling Right of Passage trial.
  • Any character born to the pack who isn't double mastered by their first birthday is to go on a self-discovery journey as is custom for all Saxe children. And may only return to the pack (if they choose to do so) upon double mastering.
  • Yearling Right of Passage - The trial to determine where the Khalif will fall into the ranks as a yearling. Depending on the season, the trial for yearlings coming to age will change. Common trials may include participating in their first raid, participating in a gladiator-style fight event, successfully claiming their first Sidi, fighting off NPC trespassers, etc.


  • All pups will have themed names! See here for choices: Artemisia Plant Genus (Please pick a few you like because we’re picky ;) )
  • Any genus can be shortened but the spelling must remain the same! (For example: Ludovic is short for Artemisia ludoviciana; which is silver wormwood, or Absinth is short for Artemisia absinthium; common wormwood.)
  • The pup's last name will be Praetor-Inferos.


  • Absinth and Aresenn are not wholesome wolves. They have some form of morality, but it’s callous and self-serving most of the time.
  • Absinth is sadistic and has very strong convictions, but while Aresenn may be more neutral; he is no saint either.
  • Their children will be taught harsh realities from a young age, and basically drilled/trained to survive from day one.
  • Affection will be there, but overshadowed by just how emotionally constipated the two heathens are.

There is one- maybe two pups available for adoption. 

By applying for one of these pups, you are accepting the above terms of their adoption. 

Due date: June 11th

Playable: June 25th

Application Deadline: June 4th

Out-of-Character Name:
Character's Name:
Adult Height:
Appearance: 100 words
Mutations: (Optional)
Personality: 150 words
Intended plots: (Optional)

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Absinth X Aresenn Hellspawn Adoptions 10:53 PM, 05-13-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024