
The Kid I Used To Know



War Chief

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Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
05-13-2024, 11:52 PM

Her head tilts at his question, considering it for a moment. She picked up another shell, this one a small conch looking one as she thoughtfully played with it in her paw. She had crafted a few things, but had never truly considered herself a crafter. Nonetheless her pieces came out relatively nice, so maybe she was? "I never really considered myself as one, but now that I think about it, I suppose I am. I've made a few things, including my own armor and weapons. I'm not half bad at it if I do say so myself," She offered a smile, of course she had help from her companions, but all in all, she did enjoy making things when she had the time to do it.

When she mentioned the names of the pack she is from, he made it clear he wasn't familiar with them. Oop, she supposed she ought to be more clear about it, eh? "Ethne is a pack down in Auster. That's where all of my family is. I've recently stepped up to help my sister, so for now I am Ethne's alpha. I've renamed it to Polaris for the time being, in the hope of-" Okay, maybe she shouldn't be sharing the packs private matters. Or at least, not yet. She didn't know this wolf well enough yet. And although packs like Avalon and the Hallows knew what all was going on, they were allies, so it made sense that they'd know, no? "Guiding some of the members and a pack in a new direction. We're located by the shimmering shore, close to the Hallows pack." She finished. But she was well aware the pack would eventually return to its original name and whatnot someday, should they choose.

She listened as he mentioned in Insomnia and where they were located. The name sounded vaguely familiar, but all she had heard really were rumors about Insomnia and its alphess. "I don't know much about Insomnia...truthfully, I heard rumors growing up that the wolf that stole the pack was a bad wolf, and took the former alpha's family as hostages or something..." She was wary with her words, unsure if the rumors were true and if he was a part of all of that or not. "Sorry, I don't mean to offend or anything, I've only heard bad rumors about that pack. But you don't seem bad at all," She observed, of course. What sort of bad wolf would be so awed by the sights of nature around them the way he was?

As they talked, the sun would hit the beach in such a way that it seemed to bring the beach to life in a dazzling display. She herself was awed by it too. She didn't know that Obsidian could be so beautiful, nor what light could do to it when it reflected in such a way. She had to agree with Enki though, it really was beautiful. "It really is! And I'd love to make something with the obsidian for my mother, I think it would make a really nice piece." She hummed in thought as she took a few steps closer to the water, letting it wash over her feet as she gently dug out some bigger obsidian pieces. If she was going to make something, she might as well find the best pieces she could to use!


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1. The Kid I Used To Know Obsidian Beach 08:26 PM, 04-28-2024 10:55 PM, 09-07-2024