
I Do What I Want



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2024, 10:48 PM
Pinned to the ground, Aurelia felt the frigid stones press against her back, their coldness seeping through her fur and skin, driving out the warmth of her body. The world around her swirled into a whirlpool of noises, scents, and sensations. The heady smell of blood - her own and Sephiran's - was overpowering, filling her senses with its metallic odor. The sound of her own heartbeat roared in her ears, drowning out the world and leaving only the consuming pain that radiated from her punctured neck.

The taste of his blood was getting replaced with her own, mingling on her tongue as a distinct metallic bitterness. Anguish and annoyance burned in her icy cyan eyes. Her body screamed for her to surrender, but her ingrained drive refused to allow for submission. Every gasp for breath she took was a fight, a battle against the crushing force that dared to steal away her consciousness. She could feel Sephiran's triumph over her, the smug satisfaction that emanated from him in waves like heat from a roaring fire. It incensed her, igniting a spark of rebellion within her heart that refused to yield.

Fury coursed through her veins like wildfire, brimming at the edges and threatening to consume her whole. With a primal snarl, Aurelia mustered all her strength and pushed against the paw that held her down, her claws scraping against his rough pads. She twisted her body, ignoring the searing agony in her neck as she writhed beneath him. Instead of the icy fear of defeat, hot anger bubbled within her, fuelling her movements. Her hind legs kicked wildly in a desperate attempt to dislodge him while her teeth snapped at anything within reach. Her body screamed for relief, but she wouldn't - couldn't - allow for surrender.

Her claws found purchase on the loose gravel underneath them, slick with their joined blood, and she used every bit of traction to find the inside of the leg holding her down with her teeth, hoping to taste even more of him. Her actions were wild- desperate. But desperation was all she had, and she was sure to use every last bit of it.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"

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1. I Do What I Want The Polar Sound 03:35 AM, 04-17-2024 02:42 AM, 06-12-2024