
I Do What I Want


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2024, 10:52 PM
Thrashing, thrashing, thrashing. She was like an injured fawn, trying to claw its way out of the jaws of its captor. And Sephiran, he was a predator through and through, savoring her agony as he revealed in this moment of perverse joy. He could feel her skin tearing in his mouth, blood spilling in pulsatory waves onto his tongue, filling his maw to the brim until it bubbled from the corners of his lips. Dripping down onto her body, tainting that pretty little pelt of hers. Even with her gnawing on his leg, it’s easy for him to ignore her assault; he’s far too consumed by the lust raging through his body, the primal urge to satiate and pillage acting as the catalyst.

She bucked, and he pressed down, the two of them locked in this tango for power. But it was no use; Sephiran was larger, stronger, more durable. Aurelia was a spitfire, she was fueled by anger and contempt but she was sloppy and losing stamina. She’d fight until her last breath, he was sure of it. And so, Sephiran would deliver a devastating blow; repeatedly slamming her head against the ground, until her body started to go limp.

Finally, he releases his hold on her neck, pulling his head up and level with his shoulders; strings of blood-tinged saliva creating webs in the space between them, a steady stream weeping from the deep puncture wounds he inflicted. He raises a paw and slams it into her back, right between her shoulder blades to pin her chest-down into the gravel.

“You will never leave.” He snarls, tongue thrashing wildly in his maw before snaking out to caress his blood-stained jowls. She’s quivering beneath him, clinging to consciousness and he revels in her debilitated state. Bringing his head down, he hovers his lips close to her ear. Breathing hot breath into it, jaws parting to create a sickening sound that would rattle her to the core. “My children will fill your womb- they will feed off you, will fester and consume until there is nothing left.” Her heat was his to claim, and he’d do so every year, intent on keeping her womb full with his offspring and fulfilling her purpose as his Sidi. “Just as I do.” Were his final words before he consummated this act of defilement, already fantasizing of the monstrosities they would bring into this world.


"Sephiran Saxe"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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