
Colors In The Water


09-28-2013, 02:09 PM
Clear gaze shifted to hers, he watched her carefully and with his ever present gentility. Audits perked towards her, catching the questions that spilled from her. She wanted to know why her? Why he even bothered? Well, that answer was simple. At least to him, anyway. "The answer is simple. We've something in common, and if I am correct...we both lost something dear to us. I've hidden secrets too y'know, nobody is perfect. We all have our demons, that doesn't make us any less worth saving. You're still you, and as long as you keep true to yourself then you'll always be worth savin'."

He turned up a gentle smile to her, a flooding of understanding mixed with sorrow came to his eyes, he knew how she felt. He was all alone in this world after all..."I want to help you because you're worth it. You've a lot of potential and goodness in you, and even if you can't see it, Ican. You've a good heart Liberty, don't throw yourself away."
He leaned forward then, giving her a comforting lick on the side of her muzzle.
He wondered if she would believe him, or turn tail and walk away. Either way, he'd keep the promise he made of sticking around unless she told him to go. And if she didn't want him right near her, he'd follow at a respectful distance to keep her company...unless she said she wanted to be alone. He wouldn't always be there every minute of every day...but at least he could try and be there for her when she needed someone.