
A craftsman in the making




Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
05-15-2024, 01:02 AM

Daemon's question was quickly answered when his mother pulled a piece of tanned leather across the workbench towards them. The pup oooh'd as he inspected the leather, letting his small paws run over the smooth and supple sides. He had no idea how to tell if a piece of leather was quality or not, but he knew his mother would only ever use the best of the best things. She was the Matriarch, after all! "Yeah, it's really floppy!" replied Daemon as Avacyn pointed out the unique qualities of the leather. He gave the sheet of leather a playful shake, watching how it wobbled back and forth in his paws with giggles. Avacyn continued on to explain that while the leather was usable as is, she wanted to add some decorative flair to it. Daemon perked up with interest; that sounded like a fun idea!

With his tiny tail all a-wag with excitement, Daemon watched while Ava demonstrated how to use her metal stamping tools on the leather. "Whoa... That's so cool!" Daemon ran his paw over the embossed stamp on the leather, feeling the dips and bumps in the leather they had made. When Ava offered him to make whatever patterns he wanted, Daemon was instantly up and reaching for the stamps. He already had an idea in mind that he wanted to make on the leather! Grabbing the circle and the crescent stamps, Daemon began to stamp a row of alternating crescents on either sides of a full circle all across the leather. It was a slow process at first while the boy figured out how to hold the stamps and how much force to use with them, but over time his stamping became more sure and more consistent. "This is fun! How's this look, Mom?" Daemon looked up at his mother with a big toothy smile, tail wagging a mile a minute and his marking glowing bright and quick.

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.


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1. A craftsman in the making Alias Island 02:44 PM, 04-17-2024 06:45 AM, 06-24-2024