
All My Friends Are Heathens



The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

2 Years

05-15-2024, 06:54 PM

Winter has arrived in the lands of Boreas and, with the milder days, Ezekiel has been out trying to catch as many prey animals as possible. If he was asked the reason why he has been leaving pack lands so much to go find said animals, he would tell whoever questioned him, that the pack does not how bad the cold months will get and it would be wise for them to have their food stores bursting. However, that is not the reason he has been throwing himself head first into hunting away from pack lands; no, the real motive is much darker.

For some time now, El, his beloved sister, the only wolf in the world he would willing be hurt for if it meant saving her life, has been seeing other men. He smells them on her coat when he lays eyes on her and the raw urge to track down and murder anyone that might touch his sister in intimate ways, is undeniable. So, he had chosen to separate himself from the source of his misery only because his cherished El is happy.

Jealously sours his mood lately, making him more volatile to be around because he cannot bring that same happiness that he finds in Elysia. Oh, how he longs to hold her, to caress the soft curves of her form and run his paws over the thick cords of muscles she has carefully cultivated… and the thought of someone else doing exactly what he has only dreamed of, makes him want to kill.

Of course, he does not blame his sister because, in his eyes, she is faultless in all of this and instead, has placed all his hatred on this mysterious man that brings El more pleasure than him. Avoidance has been key to keeping him sane and he has satiated his dark hungers with other, lesser animals that he would imagine as the unknown man who has his ire… but still he knows that will only help for long. Eventually, he will need to see his sister again and the downward, gloomy spiral will start all over.

Ezekiel crosses into the Syndicate lands, a dead doe hanging across his frame as he makes his way toward the food stores, ready to lose himself in the familiar tasks of breaking down the animal when his sister’s scent finds him. Nothing could raise his hackles like her scent mixed with that of the other man and he suddenly drops the doe where he stands instead of taking it to the stores. Later he would find it and finish his tasks but right… right now he needs her.

Carnal hungers need to be satisfied.

Large paws plod quickly through the snow, searching for her, needing to hold and touch and reassure himself that El is not slipping through his grip because, if he does lose her to another man, the nights will run red with blood. Her dark form is easy to find against the stark white of the snow and he releases a small, possessive growl as he approaches her while a smirk tugs at his lips. He strides toward her, his gait stiff with barely contained desire but the familiar love still present in his eyes.

As he nears her, Zeke releases a low, rumbling purr with a simple word, “Sister.” It is modest, yes, but filled with so much longing and all the unvoiced needs of his body. Still, Ezekiel loves Ely and, no matter what, he would never force himself onto her. Still, sometimes it is difficult to keep his primal urges in check and right now he just needs to touch her.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.