
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
05-16-2024, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 09:16 AM by Mireia. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc: Liquid timed to a season before Mireia and Azreal's arrival at The Syndicate

"Maldita sea..." she muttered to herself as she slowed to a stop at the base of a waterfall, craning her head to look down at the wound that slashed across her chest. In her sprint away from the cave where Vaso had been staying for the last few weeks the long cut had broken open again and trickles of blood were staining her pale coat again. That bastard... She was more than happy to put up with a lot of things–the smaller cuts across her legs and muzzle spoke to that–but this was too far. She spotted a patch of horsetail on the edge of the river and went toward it, snapping off a few of the reedy branches so she could hopefully patch herself up quickly and keep moving before Vaso realized she was gone. 

She had settled between a couple of large trees to give herself a bit of cover and was working on applying a paste of the horsetail to where the still fairly fresh wound had begun to split open again when she heard a faint shift in the brush in the distance. She froze, her ruby gaze shifting up toward the noise uncertainly. Gods, surely he hadn't noticed she was gone that quickly. He had been out hunting when she left, after all. Luckily it looked like her fears were unfounded when she saw a dark coated brute step out of the trees, seemingly looking for something though she wasn't sure what. He wasn't a familiar face so she knew he wasn't one of Vaso's buddies. She quickly finished up her work on her wound, all the while watching this male through the leaves. It was hard to tell from a distance, of course, but it didn't look like he was traveling with anyone and he certainly seemed like the strong, capable sort... Maybe if she played this right she wouldn't have to worry about Vaso ever again. 

Wiping off her paws, Mireia got up and wove through the trees toward the stranger, putting a distraught expression across her features and pretending to be out of breath from what she hoped looked like a harrowing escape from her attacker. "Seńor, please, will you help me?" she pleaded. "My master, he's gone loco! Por favor, chase him off? I'll do anything!"
