
To a room with some lace and paper flowers




Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
05-16-2024, 05:29 PM

Her tail twirled, her ears perked up. The joy within her was palpable as she tried to contain herself. Admittedly, she longed to let go and embrace her inner child, letting the exuberance take over. It was truly a sight to behold, seeing him smile broadly and hearing his voice. "It's wonderful to have friends gather around you like a raven, or any bird for that matter."

She drifted away in thought, imagining the sensation of flying on feathers and gliding effortlessly on the gentle breezes of Auster. As he spoke passionately about teaching himself to write, she couldn't help but be impressed by his dedication. It truly was quite remarkable, in her opinion.

The young woman couldn't resist smiling at the name Moloch, and she replied softly. "I'm also pleased to meet both of you. I believe Moloch was accepted the name as well.."

Suddenly, she beamed at Reaper. "Company is always appreciated, and absolutely essential for banishing the boredom or loneliness." She let out a slow sigh, her gaze falling to the ground. The familiar pang of loneliness washed over her, making her feel like she didn't fit in. Being the new girl in town had a way of doing that to a person, and it certainly wasn't enjoyable.

"May I ask where you consider home? If it's not too personal," Mae inquired, glancing at Reaper as she approached his side, maintaining a respectful distance. She took in his scent, committing it to memory and keeping it securely locked away in her mind.

Being alright at hunting, maybe the duo would be able to work together to take down some prey, or hunt and gain energy. "We can if you'd like too, I enjoy wandering and traveling. Trying to get the feel of this land that is." Happy that the thoughts of home which she vagily remembered was pulled from her own mind.

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1. To a room with some lace and paper flowers Aspen Dam 06:31 PM, 05-15-2024 10:10 PM, 09-14-2024