
Grape Vine


03-10-2013, 11:26 PM

The autumn colored wolf slept in the sun, hidden in plain sight on top of a rock, basking in the warm spring sun on a lovely cloudless day. With a loud yawn and a stretch the wolf jumped from his post and settled in the shade of the boulder he had been laying upon. A more lurid side of him, the side he had hoped would be crushed by the duty of a knight thought of how lovely it would be to find a mount on such a day. A small tussle in the flowers and long grass before they went their separate ways and never crossed paths again. He shook the though from his mind as he prowled through the blooming flora, his tail swaying behind him. He had responsibilities now, people that he cared about. He couldn't risk throwing away all of that for a useless fling.

He hopped onto another rock looking over the plains, dotted with flowers and stone, silently hoping for a sign. Something to guide him. Would he continue down his path of lechery and deceit or would he return to his pack, settle down and start a family? If only something could guide him. Tell him what to do. He groaned and laid on the stone, covering his head with his paws. So much conflict. So much that could be done if only he knew what to do.
