
Obtuse, Guava Juice, Rubber Goose, Chocolate Moose


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-17-2024, 01:34 PM

With one successful hunt under their belts, why not stick around to see how long this little ragtag hunting party could push their luck? Azrael was a brute all about results, and these wolves had proven themselves effective once. Let's see if consistency was in their repertoire along with their hunting prowess... The group moved through the winter woods in pursuit of a larger prize this time—the scent of a moose fresh in his nares, spurring primal predatory instincts to the surface of the Saxe wolf's brain. Ordinarily, such a massive target would give even a seasoned hunter pause, but with the group and knowing he could let them take on the brunt of an angry bull moose's fury, Az saw no reason to not reach for that prize. With the adrenaline of their recent hunt still flowing in his veins, the dusky violet brute pushed forward alongside the others.

The moose was proving a more difficult quarry to track than the elk had been. Its gait was faster, its strides larger. But it stood no match for a quartet of perseverant wolves. Misty breath escaping his nostrils like the steam of a train engine every time he sampled the air, Azrael followed the musk of the moose and those long, wide tracks in the snow. Winter really did make hunting far too easy for the predators. The scent was getting thicker in the air; they weren't far away now...


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. Obtuse, Guava Juice, Rubber Goose, Chocolate Moose Sparse Pines 11:38 AM, 05-17-2024 02:43 AM, 06-12-2024