
Everyone's Got a Baby Caribou.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-17-2024, 01:42 PM

Azrael licked the remnants of their recent hunt from his jaws, the delicious coppery tang of blood a welcome reminder of their success. Two for two... this group was quite efficient in their methods! It was enough to make the Saxe brute giddy with the high of success and bloodlust. They'd done so well so far, so why not go for a third? The sun was still in its afternoon theater so they had plenty of time to fell another prey animal before the day was done—maybe even a few more if they continued to have such a successful run! Caribou was next on the menu, the animals similar to the elk they had hunted earlier, but significantly larger. Same tactics, but with more brutality. Az was abuzz with excitement, heart dancing in his ribcage as his nostrils flared, following the musky scents that clung to the tracks in the snow. The caribou even had the courtesy to mark some of the trees they passed, leaving a direct path to them whenever they would rub their antlers against the trunks they now followed like a map straight to them.

Despite his size, Azrael was quite a master of stealth, moving with the group like ghosts over the fresh powder on the ground. Only their tracks lingered in the snow to show any wolves had ever been here. But soon enough, there would be remnants of blood and carnage to leave the world a reminder of why wolves were the apex predators of these lands. Not long and- there they were! Large silhouettes dark in between the trees. A whole herd just waiting for the culling.


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. Everyone's Got a Baby Caribou. Sparse Pines 11:50 AM, 05-17-2024 02:43 AM, 06-12-2024