
Charmed, I'm Sure


09-28-2013, 05:45 PM

The Sentinel would lurk along the outskirts of the Kingdom, watching vigilantly to ensure that the borders were not threatened. Gideon had been released and the girl taken in, and Sendoa was certain that Valhalla would want their precious heir back at all costs. She was not a foolish woman. It was only a matter of time before the plains pack stormed their borders - or worse. At times she wondered if Taurig had it right, and that all of this was foolishness - but somehow she couldn't fully adapt to that point of view. Somehow, one way or another, she had been indoctrinated to believe her brother's way of thinking wasn't horrible - just slightly unjustified. An ear twitched as the rustling of fallen leaves broke the silence of her thoughts - bringing her back to reality, to life. The limp in her leg was all but gone now, though the scar on her left armpit would forever remain. Due to her dark steely complexion, it wasn't very noticeable - though anyone could see it if they truly looked.

Tongue swiped across her lips as she curled her head toward the source of the sound, finding it to be a lone hare scampering about looking for food. The poor pitiful creature was no doubt preparing for winter, though it wouldn't have to worry long about that. The Sentinel's bodice sprang into motion, pounding away the mere yards between she and the rabbit until they were no more. With steady jaws she would clamp down on the creature's spine, severing it with one fatal bite. The rabbit went limp and hung from her powerful incisors. With haste she would drop it to the earth and proceed to tear apart the cadaver - intent upon eating at least part of it and then donating the rest to a worthy cause.
