
Everyone's Got a Baby Caribou.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-17-2024, 11:19 PM

The group of wolves prowled through the tree line closer and closer to the caribou herd, little more than whispers amongst the branches as they drew ever nearer. Lingering a short distance back, the dusky violet brute surveyed the herd like a hawk, sage green eyes roving over the animals like a veritable buffet laid out before him. There were so many of them...! The hardest part for Az was going to be picking one out for himself. Oh who was he kidding? He knew exactly which one he was going for! Beside the adult cow Rakia was eyeing up lingered a calf, not long weaned from its mother's teats. Its body was soft and supple, still riddled with the fat reserves of childhood. Az salivated as he imagined the succulent veal he could pull from the child. How delicious it would be to take down the mother and child in one fell swoop.

Azrael stood concealed by the tree trunks while he watched the calf grazing, snuffling through the snow to find the grass and roots buried beneath. He waited, prepared to rush in to help Rakia bring down her cow and mentally planning to take down the calf next. Once everyone was prepared and had their prey picked out like cattle in a ranch, the wolves rushed in, all speed and deadly precision. They moved like lightning, striking at the caribou before the herd could sound the alarm. By the time the first of their panicked bellows went out, it was already too late. Azrael was following Rakia, diverting his path while she went for the throat to grab the caribou's leg and pull with all his might to help topple the cow over. Then, leaving the fae to claim her kill, Az turned on the bellowing calf that was frantically trying to run away. A sadistic grin crossed the brute's lips as he ran after it, leaping through the air to land atop its back and bring it crashing to the snowy ground, the wolf's jaws already going for its vulnerable neck with the intent to grab and sever with a vicious twist and shake.


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. Everyone's Got a Baby Caribou. Sparse Pines 11:50 AM, 05-17-2024 02:43 AM, 06-12-2024