
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
05-17-2024, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 12:33 AM by Mireia. Edited 1 time in total.)
At first the black and violet marked man was completely expressionless at her approach, his pale green eyes seemingly scrutinizing as he looked her over. There was a moment where she hesitated, wondering if he hadn't understood her or was just that cold that even a pleading "damsel in distress" couldn't coax a reaction out of him. There was a beat of silence before he seemed to decide on whatever it was he was thinking about it and then he regarded her with a smile and a fresh liveliness to his expression. Immediately she knew that he was putting on some kind of act–it took one to know one, after all–but she didn't know what his angle was just yet. Regardless, if he was willing to get Vaso out of her life then she was more than willing to go along with this dance they had begun.

She nodded in agreement when he mentioned how bad it must be for her to ask a stranger for help. That wasn't entirely a lie, after all. She could put up with Vaso fine, but there was no doubt that this new cut was going to scar and she was getting sick and tired of the bastard's slicing and dicing. That was one kink that she was struggling to go along with more and more. "Si, abominable," she agreed with a heavy sigh, glancing down at the newest of her master's marks dejectedly. She didn't notice his paw reaching for her until he was nearly touching her chest, but she held still as he touched where the horsetail paste was still setting on her wound. That pulled her gaze back up to his, still looking at this stranger with a helpless, pleading expression. He was a strange one, that much she was quickly picking up on, but strange was far better than the scumbag she was currently being held by. As soon as he questioned where Vaso was, her expression brightened excitedly and she grinned with a soft gasp. "¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! Sí, right this way. He's been keeping me in a cave, just this way, near the canyon. I'll lead you there."

Immediately, she set off the way she came with her new bodyguard in tow. Even though she was genuinely grateful for his help, she was a smart girl. She knew this brute wouldn't do all of this for nothing. The idea of a truly selfless and righteous wolf that would put themselves in harm's way for someone like her was just a fairy tale, after all. It was yet to be seen if she'd be walking away from this free, fucked, owned, or somewhere in between, but gods she was just ready to see Vaso's smug face beaten in. As they approached the slope that led down into the mountain of the canyon she slowed, eyeing the cave that sat near the top lip of the ridge of stone, watching for any sign of movement that would signal that her master had returned from his hunt. As if on cue, an angry voice shouted from the den, the large brute with a coat of deep browns and blacks stepping out of the cave. "Mireia! ¡¿Dónde estás?! ¡Vuelve aquí, perra!"
