
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2024, 12:17 AM

The little fawn fae was absolutely right, of course—Azrael was putting on a display for her. But just as she had sniffed out his deception, he could suss her ruse out immediately. No fae terrified for her life would be so willing to go back to whoever her master was in her state without some sort of malicious intent. Fortunately for her, malicious intents were something the Saxe brute was intimately familiar with. She remained still and mostly without response while he inspected her and checked on her wound, only truly showing any sort of reaction once he had agreed to deal with her master. Those garnet eyes lit up with life and she smiled from ear to ear. She was very cute when she smiled like that. More words in a language he didn't understand tumbled out of her loquacious mouth before she agreed to show him where she had been kept. It was close by, which further aroused Azrael's suspicions, but he would play along for now. The potential reward was well worth the effort.

"After you," replied Azrael in his velvety tones, still all teeth and smiles as he beckoned the stranger onward with a wave of his paw. She set off with the dusky violet brute right behind her, his eyes alternating between taking in their surroundings and drinking in the way that shapely rump swayed back and forth in natural rhythm with each of her graceful strides. Was she putting on a show for him? Probably not, but that wasn't going to stop the lecherous brute from enjoying the view nonetheless. He was still debating what he was ultimately going to do with this lovely specimen of female wolf when they arrived at the path down to the nearby canyon. Az stepped up beside the tawny and snowy fae and followed her apprehensive gaze up to the cave at the edge of the ridge. Az remained quiet, studying his surroundings, sampling the air with a few sniffs. The musky odor of another brute was near, and it was fresh.

Not a second later and the brute in question appeared, bellowing at the top of his lungs for a Mireia in the same dialect and foreign language she had spoken with to him. Az tipped his head to the side, observing the wolf from a distance. He was about Azrael's height and bulkier, built like a tank and equally as mean. Az glanced down at the wolf he now knew was Mireia and gave her a curious look with a tip of his snout to the agitated wolf, silently asking if this was her master. When she confirmed it was him, Azrael nodded and then grabbed Mireia by the scruff, dragging her unceremoniously over towards the den and her master. The nice part about being bigger and stronger than the much smaller and lighter fae was that he could pretty much manhandle her however he pleased and no matter how much she squirmed or resisted, she was powerless against him.

Azrael showed no expressions of remorse or guilt while he dragged Mireia back to her master, making sure the brute saw them coming. When they drew near, he tossed Mireia over towards Vaso, locking gazes with the enraged wolf. "I believe you lost something of yours," he said, tones cool and impassive. While Vaso was busy dealing with Mireia, Azrael surreptitiously slipped his rucksack off his back and dipped a paw inside, fishing about for a moment before grasping the injector within between his toes. With slow and stealthy movements, the Saxe brute pulled out his injector—a small vial sealed with a cork that had a sharp spine poking through—and circled slowly around closer to Vaso. The wolf was too busy screaming in his foreign tongue at the cowering fae that by the time he saw Azrael it was already too late. Az jabbed the injector into the side of Vaso's neck and pushed, injecting the contents directly into the brute's bloodstream. Vaso snarled and jerked away, swinging a paw at Azrael. Az was too close to avoid the blow, and the jerking motion snapped the end of the spine off of is injector into the wolf's neck. That large paw smacked Azrael across the face, sending him stumbling back a few steps as a few spatters of blood fell from his split lip. But despite taking the hit, Azrael was all smiles.

Rising back to his full height, Azrael just stood back, watched, and waited. He knew exactly how long it should take for the toxin to kick in, and it should be right... about... now. As if on cue, Vaso's advance on him stopped, his body shuddering like he was freezing. His legs quivered, locked up, and then collapsed underneath him. Az watched with a wicked smirk as the brute slowly began to lose all control of his body, the toxin shutting down his neurons' response from the brain to leave him completely paralyzed and helpless. "Wandering spider venom packs quite the punch, don't you think?" he taunted the wolf, rolling the now empty injector over his digits back and forth while he grinned proudly. "It's quite potent and lasts a while. Oh, but don't worry—it doesn't kill you! It just leaves you paralyzed and numb. No no, killing you is her job." Azrael looked up at Mireia then, tipping his muzzle down at her petrified master, helpless and vulnerable at her paws. "Go on, Mireia. Do what you want with him."


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.