
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
05-18-2024, 01:03 AM
Mireia cursed quietly under her breath as Vaso stormed out of the den yelling for her, a scowl crossing her lips. Oh how she despised everything about him... She glanced up at the nameless stranger beside him, the questioning nod clear enough without him having to explain himself. She nodded to confirm–that was the bastard they were looking for. She had only ever dealt with masculine bastards that handled everything with brute force and little else so she had expected nothing less from him. However, instead of forging ahead toward Vaso she suddenly felt his teeth on her scruff. She gasped with shock and immediately began to wriggle and fight against him, a string of biting curses falling from her lips at this betrayal. "¡Que te jodan! ¡Déjame ir! ¡Bastardo, me mentiste!" she spat at him as she was quickly and easily drug back to her master as easily as if he was carrying something he had brought back from a hunt.

With a quiet "oof" she was tossed onto the ground in front of Vaso, making her grit her teeth as the rough movement aggravated her healing wound yet again and hit her shoulder into the stone. She barely got a venomous glance over at the stranger before she felt Vaso's heavy paw on her neck, pulling a choking sound from her as he leaned over her with a dark, ominous chuckle. "Sí, Señor, much appreciated," her master muttered toward the violet-marked man before she could practically feel Vaso's gaze burning down at her, his paw cutting off her breathing and spittle splattering across her face as he yelled down at her. "Me estoy cansando de tu mierda, perra. ¡Das más problemas de los que vales! Te vendería, pero ningún otro bastardo lamentable te aguantaría. No, creo que simplemente te desollaré y te convertiré en–"

Suddenly the weight on her throat was gone as Vaso jerked away, letting Mireia take a gasping breath and scramble away, frantically getting back to her paws as she spun to face the pair of brutes, her ruby gaze wide as she tried to put together what had happened. She saw something in the stranger's paw, blood trickling from his lip from where Vaso had struck him, and then Vaso holding the side of his neck for a moment while the stranger grinned all the while. Was... this all part of his plan? Confused and reeling, Mireia watched as Vaso attempted to advance on his attacker only to seemingly freeze in place as if is muscles had turned to stone and he fell helplessly to the ground. Her mouth hung open in shock for a moment, staring at her master in bewilderment until the man that she thought had betrayed her explained that it was a venom that was causing this reaction. Her gaze turned to him with something akin to awe. Never had she seen anyone go about a fight with someone like this and it was more than enough for her to take notice. 

As if that wasn't enough to throw the usually composed and calculating woman off kilter, he went on to explain that the venom wasn't going to kill him–that was her job. "¿Qué?" she questioned with bewilderment and then turned her gaze down toward the now defenseless bastard at her paws. Never in her whole life had power–real power, not just her own perceived power that she found for herself with her sexuality and wit–like this been in her paws and as she started to wrap her head around the situation that had been presented to her on a silver platter a wicked grin started to pull across her features. That grin shifted into a pleased smirk as she chuckled and then turned to walk past her rescuer into the cave behind him. She went over to where a few of Vaso's belongings were kept and retrieved the dagger that she had been on the receiving end of more times than she cared to count. It felt heavier than she had imagined between her teeth, but she adjusted to the weight quickly enough as she walked back out to where Vaso was laying frozen and lightly twitching.

She loomed over him for a moment, enjoying this moment of the tables being turned in her favor for once and she leaned down till her nose was nearly touching his and she smirked around the dagger. "¿Qué fue eso de desollarme?" she purred with a giggle before she turned her head and sliced the tip of the blade along the underside of his muzzle, following that line all the way down the front of his throat, that familiar, iron tang of blood very quickly filling her nose. When she got to the base of his throat she drove the dagger deep into Vaso's neck, straight through his windpipe. That's where she left it as she let go and took a step back, watching with a mix of disbelief and relief as Vaso slowly bled out and choked on his own blood. She turned her ruby gaze toward the stranger that had made this all possible then, her gaze heavy lidded and seductive, the adrenaline and heady sense of short lived power making her feel like she was on top of the world. She walked over to him, her hips swaying sensually with each step. "What is your name?" she purred with her heavily accented tones, tipping her muzzle up to look him in the eye. "What do you want of me?"
