
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2024, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 03:29 AM by Azrael. Edited 2 times in total.)

The shock, the betrayal, the fear... All the emotions that flashed behind Mireia's ruby eyes sent tingles surging through Azrael's body from tip to tail. Seeing that emotional response in her was a delightful game to him, the sadistic brute reveling in all these raw feelings he could pull from her oh so easily. He found he quite liked that wide-eyed look she got while her former master was choking her to within an inch of her life. He'd archive that little tidbit of knowledge away for later. The surprise on her face when he offered up Vaso to her on a silver platter brought a cruel smirk to the Saxe brute's lips, and the way a wicked resolve came over her when she realized what she was being given ignited something primal in the brute's belly. He loved manipulating others, toying with them, getting them to bend to his will and do as he wished. Whether she realized it or not, Mireia was now acting to his whims, doing as he wished and committing a murder without him needing to give the command. She had passed his first test.

While Mireia ran into the cave and fetched a dagger which she then proceeded to threaten Vaso with, Azrael simply sat back and watched the show, an amused smirk turning up one corner of his lips while he inspected his broken injector. It was damaged beyond repair and utterly useless; he'd need to make more. Sinister green eyes watched with sadistic glee while the little fae carved her master's throat open, then plunged the dagger into his neck and left it lodged in his flesh like planting a flag of triumph on his corpse. The air was heavily perfumed with the scent of blood while the abusive brute bled to death before their eyes, gurgling through the hole in his neck for only a few moments before his eyes turned to glass and his body lay still forever more. From the sidelines, Az observed her work. She was crude, sloppy, but she got the job done. All in all, not bad for what he assumed was her first murder. 7/10, would let her butcher paralyzed wolves again.

Mireia turned to face him then, Azrael's sage green eyes alight with a wild light in them, looking ever so pleased with himself at the results of his interference. Their eyes locked and Az saw a much different look in the fae's eyes. Those ruby jewels were half-lidded, staring at him with a seductive and wanton lust, a euphoric grin on her muzzle. Well well well... Azrael hadn't anticipated this to arouse Mireia so much. Another nugget of information tucked away for later. The larger brute stayed where he was seated on his haunches with blood dripping down his chin from his split lip while the sultry minx of a fae sauntered over to him, her hips deliberately swaying like a pendulum with each step, entrancing his eyes to her fluffy rump. She asked his name in those purred Hispanic lyrics, now right up on him as he looked down to hold her gaze. Their size difference was delicious... She asked what he wanted of her and Azrael responded by bringing a large paw up to rest against the side of her throat, not quite grabbing yet but holding her so she would know he could choke her at any moment. Paw pads stroked along the side of her throat, claws parting through her soft fur to tickle her skin beneath. All the while he stared into those red eyes, his mind filled with salacious and devious fantasies of what those eyes would look like indulging in all his favorite kinks.

Those large digits slid up to caress Mireia's jaw, keeping her head tilted up so he could manipulate her as he wished. "Azrael Saxe," he answered her, short and simple. To her second question, a darker fire smoldered in those pale green eyes that seared into hers with an indomitable intensity. His tail raised up over his back in a dominant display, asserting his will over her as was the Saxe way. She would be his Sidi. She would be his toy and his alone to do with as he pleased. She would be his to serve him and play with and fuck as he desired. "I want to make you mine. I'm going to claim you now, and then I'm bringing you with me to my family's pack, where you'll live the rest of your days with me," he explained to her, his words making it crystal clear that this was happening. He had given her a taste of power—now he was showing her why he would stay in control. "That is, assuming you can show me why you're worth keeping around." That little manic smile returned to Azrael's lips, though the sinister fire smoldering in his eyes betrayed the brute's true nature. This was her final test. He wasn't going to cart around a useless fae as his Sidi. If she wanted to live past the next few minutes, she was going to have to impress him with her useful talents.


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.