
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
05-18-2024, 09:36 AM
Azreal Saxe. That was a name she had a feeling she was about to be intimately familiar with. She didn't pull away as his paw reached for her throat, the feeling of his claws raking against her skin leaving little tingles in their wake. He was such an intriguing brute and even though she hardly knew more about him than his name she could already tell he was different from the other brutes she had been around the entirety of her life. No less sadistic, she was sure, but different in how he went about it all. It wasn't like she ever really had a say in who owned her, but this was the first time she actually wanted to learn more about her master–or at least who she assumed would be her new master. He confirmed as much as if he was reading her thought, taking a more dominant stance as he declared that he would claim her and take her with him to his family's pack to spend the rest of her days with him. There was no shock or worry or disgust in her expression as she imagined most women might would feel being told something like this. She only replied with a little smile of understanding and acceptance. He had already given her more than anyone else ever had. Why would she say no?

There seemed to be one condition however–to show him why she was worth keeping around. The look in his eyes made it very clear what sort of skills he was looking for and a sly grin pulled across her lips. "Of course," she replied simply with a seductive purr to her tone as she pulled away and began to step past him into the cave that waited behind him, her plush tail sweeping under his chin and along his cheek as she walked past him, her tail curling over her back and leaving nothing to the imagination. "Let me show you how I've stayed alive this long, amar," she added as she tossed a grin at him over her shoulder as she walked into the den toward the large bed of furs that dominated the otherwise sparsely furnished den. There were a few odds and ends tucked against the walls and a freshly killed deer laying off to the side just inside the entrance that Vaso had clearly brought back just before he was killed. Leading him over to the bed, she gestured for him to get comfortable, giving him a sultry look as she added, "My hero deserves to lay back and enjoy his prize."
