
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2024, 03:51 PM

Azrael was pleasantly surprised that Mireia didn't try to pull away from his touch when he reached for her throat. She submitted to him willingly, offering no resistance in stark contrast to how she had been with her previous master only minutes before. She even smiled as he exerted his dominance and ownership over her. Good. She was malleable. His touch, domineering and threatening, was also gentle as a lover's caress. He handled her like an art connoisseur would to a fragile masterpiece. One thing Azrael was not was destructive with his toys. Oh, he would enjoy Mireia thoroughly, bend her to his will, expose her to his perversions and degenerate behavior, but he would not permanently damage her the way his careless predecessor had. She would be his toy for the rest of her days; his newest Sidi and the first he would lay claim to in new Saffron, or whatever his cousin decided to name his new extension of the empire.

All that remained now was ensuring that she would be worth his time investment. Azrael was an exceptionally busy wolf, always at the beck and call of his Sultan for his expertise and talents. After all, there were so many threats a king faced, and intelligence was the greatest defense against these threats. He imagined Sephiran would have a mighty need for an Inquisitor. Fortunately, Mireia seemed unintimidated by his challenge, beckoning him in with a sly grin and seductive purrs of her sexy accented voice. The smaller fae slipped from his grasp, sidling past him to lead the way into the cave with a brush of her plush tail beneath his chin to entice him in. Azrael's hungry eyes followed every step the little Latina wolf took, the lustful gleam lighting up in them when she curled that fluffy tail up over her hips to give him an excellent view of everything she had to offer. An eager grin slowly made its way across Az's face, the dusky violet brute standing to follow after her, casually stepping over the corpse on his way into the cave.

Mireia offered to show him how she'd stayed alive so far, that sultry grin inviting him closer, and gods was it working. Az followed her with his eyes locked on her, steely and focused like a predator stalking his prey. He didn't bother looking around the den right now; he could snoop about after he got to indulge his lust in his newest conquest. Mireia led him over to a spacious bed of furs and gestured him towards it. Az stepped around her with a smirk, purposefully rubbing his side against hers so she could feel the planes of lean, taut muscle hidden beneath his coat while he flopped to the bed and settled on his back, getting comfortable and into position so he could gaze up at the sexy little fae and enjoy whatever show she was preparing for him. She called him her hero and offered him his prize, which Azrael accepted with a lecherous rumble and settled back into the furs. "Show me what you're capable of, Mireia."


Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.