
Little Fireflies




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-19-2024, 11:45 AM

Avacyn chuckled with amusement as Fever reminded her that she was in fact a wolf, not a firefly. Sometimes she forgot how literally children could take things until moments like these. Communicating with her children had been its own unique kind of learning curve that she was enjoying figuring out. She knew it would only matter for a small phase of their life, but she always enjoyed a puzzle none of the less. However, when she added that "papa's papa" said she was a monster–that all three of her children were monsters, in fact–her smile faltered a bit with confusion. Her mind immediately went to her father, wondering if she meant Alastor as Saracyn's father, trying to rationalize that maybe Alastor had called them little monsters as a term of endearment and she had taken it literally yet again. But that didn't quite make sense either. She hadn't hidden the fact that Alastor was her father as well so why would Fever call him "papa's papa" instead of just saying her grandfather? No, the only thing that made sense was if she was talking about Alastor's father, but as far as she knew he was dead and at the very least had never been here.

Before she could finish coming to that conclusion though Fever was running off, exclaiming how she was a firefly after all as she figured out how to make her glowing eye blink like the fireflies she was watching. Avacyn sputtered a bit as she tried to think of any kind of response or words to her confusing and a bit concerning comment before she just sighed and tried to chalk it up to children coming up with the craziest, most unhinged ideas at times. "I told you!" she called after her with a chuckle, sighing as she pulled another smile onto her lips, watching Fever bound across the lakeshore, not wanting to interrupt her fun. She got to her paws to follow behind her so she couldn't go out of her line of sight, but she let Fever roam free a bit, just enjoying watching her daughter play while she tried not to think too deeply about the odd comment she had made.

"Avacyn Mendacium"